Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

 Cardiovascular disease including stroke and coronary heart disease are major cause of mortality and morbidity. Many risk factors are identified which include modifiable and non modifiable factors. Modifiable risk factors control like reduction in smoking, lipid profile control an and control of hypertension has a very good effect on cardiovascular status.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: 

Males should get one time ultrasound for abdominal aortic aneurysm if your age is 65-75 years and you have ever smoked.

Aspirin use: 

You should initiate lose dose aspirin use for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease at age 50-59 unless you are at risk of bleeding.

Blood pressure screening: 

If you are 18 years old or older , you should start screeing for high blood pressure, preferably outside of clinical setting.

Lipid levels screening and Statins use:

Lipids level screening and Statins( lipid lowering drugs) use should be started if age is 40-75 years and have one or more cardiovascular disease risk factors like diabetes mellitus, hypertension or smoking.

Diabetes mellitus screening: 

Screening for abnormal glucose levels should be started in adults aged 40-70 years who are overweight or obese.

Counselling for smoking cessation:

All smokers should be screened and advised to stop smoking and provided with behavioral interventions or pharmacotherapy for cessation.

           Alongwith the above measures , the most important risk factors are lack of physical activity  and being overweight or obese. CDC recommends to engage in 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise ( like brisk walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic activity( jogging or running) each week.


Maxine A. Papadakis , Stephen J. McPhee ( 2020). Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment. 59th Ed. Mc Graw Hill / Lange.


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